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Each October Jim Hutchins counts salmon in Bear Creek in downtown Medford, Oregon at three locations.  Counting began October 1, 2011 and Jim saw 2 jack salmon.  With rains forcast this next week, more  fish should start moving upstream.  The highest count is usually between October 15 to October 20.  Below is a link to Jim counting fish in 2009.

Notes on fish surveys

Salmon are currently in Bear Creek; the best place to see them is near the McAndrews bridge at the Rogue Valley Mall.  We’re hoping for rain; the creek is very low right now. No salmon have been counted in the Illinois River yet. (Oct. 15)

Salmon counts in Bear Creek and the Illinois River were strong in 2011. Bear Creek returns were above average, while the Illinois River counts were the third highest since I have been counting. Our highest year was 2003. Several above average size Chinook were viewed at both Bear Creek and the Illinois River, exceeding 30 pounds. Counts are done the month of October. There are done at three check points in each stream.

October, 2012 saw a steady increase in Chinook salmon counted on both Bear Creek and the Illinois River. Spawning occurred in wide spread sections of both streams, which can be an indicator of healthy, sustainable runs.

In 2014 and 2015 we saw the largest runs yet in Bear Creek in downtown Medford. The spawning activitiy was widespread from below the mall to downtown Ashland.  The counts in the Illinois River were not extremely high, but it was a solid count, showing sustainability.  Bear Creek in downtown Medford had the 4th highest salmon count since 1994 in 2017.  Counts on the Illinois were about average.  Counts in both 2016 and 2017 were above average.  The number in 2020 almost doubled from the previous year.  Spawning occurred from downtown Medford all the way to Ashalnd.

See chart below for yearly counts.  Low water in both rivers caused salmon to spawn lower.

               BEAR CREEK                               ILLINOIS RIVER

              Year      Total                               Year         Total

              1994         10                                  2003        400  

              1995       144                                  2004         373

              1996         27                                  2005         136

              1997         26                                  2006         135

              1998         17                                  2007            77

              1999           4                                  2008           63

              2000     146                                  2009          136

              2001        65                                  2010           156

              2002     158                                  2011            254

              2003     283                                 2012            334

              2004        59                                 2013            431

              2005        70                                 2014            161

              2006      162                                 2015           190

              2007        77                                  2016          104* 

              2008       17                                   2017           135

              2009       78                                  2018           145     

              2010      101                                 *high water prevented count

              2011      109

              2012      115

              2013      125

              2014     404

              2015      321

              2016      187

              2017      234

              2018      231

              2019      109

              2020      197

              2021      280

              2022      120

              2023      144